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14:28 - Dalla McLaren non arrivano grandi notizie: nel pomeriggio Button potrà fare solo degli aerotest. Questa mattina la Mp4-30 ha sofferto anche di una perdita d'olio. Boullier è stato chiaro: "tra i tanti problemi, abbiamo individuato e risolto il più grosso"
As I've always said, McLaren exists to win, and win we will.

Button al momento ha effettuato un installation lap.

Beh, aerotest sono meglio di nulla, anche l'aerodinamica va controllata, non solo il motore.

1-i flussi sembrano buoni
2- rake mostruoso!!

Per adesso hanno completato 35 giri. Sono scesi in pista ma solo installation lap.

Se arrivano a 40 la mia TV farà una brutta fine.

In ogni caso, in effetti il rake è impressionante!

Da notare la presa d'aria sotto la scossa vicino la sospensione anteriore. Praticamente abbiamo un s-duct laterale in stile Red Bull solo che la 30 non ha lo sfogo sul muso!

@pietro27 secondo me dovresti impostare un limite minimo di 80 giri a giornata per buttare via il pc o la TV! :-ahah

Si sa più niente di quel famoso muso corto che stavamo provando ai crash test?
One Team, One Dream; McLaren Forever
Se trovi qualcosa che ti piace non permettere mai a nessuno di dirti che è sbagliato.

Cmq aerodinamicamente è stato fatto un gran lavoro; l'aerodinamica non mi convinceva così tanto dalle macchine a cavallo degli anni 90/2000.

Quella presa d'aria sotto potrebbe servire per due cose: 1) presa d'aria per la circuiteria elettronica; 2) sistema di stallo per alettone posteriore come qualche anno fa.

Scusate l'ignoranza: cos'è qusto rake? so che significa rastrello ma non capisco quale parte della vettura indicate.

Dalla vernice bianca si evince che i flussi non fanno voritici e fanno esattamente il percorso che uno immagina. Aerodinamicamernte mi sembra almeno a livelo ferrari, forse anche meglio, dipenderà alla fine tutto dalla PU e dal reparto sospensioni che ultimamente soo sempre andate male (assetto tavola da stiro).

PS: attualmente abbiamo un problema alla pompa della benzina che stanno cercando di sistemare.

PS2: ho capito cos'è il rake.

CitazioneWe had two or three major problems in Abu Dhabi. The're finished. So we were confident that it would work better here. Unfortunately, we then get into other difficulties. Dramatic these fresh problems not, it is rather minor, but the effect of it is just that we have less travel time. For example, this morning the case, as there was a problem with the oil level. Also, this does not enormous, but it took just two more hours. There were also problems with the electrics. But what is important - there were no major engine damage, there was no fire on the fairing. Cables and wires are easy to replace. Dramatic it would be if you have to start to revamp the basic layout in the rear. Luckily we do not have to.

What can we learn over the car when the car suffered engine problems is most of the time?
We were able to verify the aerodynamics, under different driving situations. These data will be returned to the factory, where they are compared with the data from the wind tunnel and the flow dynamics calculations. It goes out about whether the values ​​of the circuit over once fibrillation with those from the factory.

It is striking how compact your tail. But we have seen no angekokelten panels. Is this the result of carefully-made homework or the engine simply does not run on full load, so also does not produce the maximum amount of heat?
No, I must say that we have our duties well resolved. It is true that we are quite extreme procedure in terms of compactness, but everything goes according to plan, at the normal heat of the engine. The cooling is not an issue. For such issues, we are worry-free.

Is expected to start the season with massive changes?
At the rear, not our super tight solution works. This architecture will remain so. Our changes are more related to Karossiereteile like wings, and we present gradually in the coming tests.

What improvements Honda has promised?
Honda's almost something new every day. And that will be in Barcelona so. We have an internal goal for Melbourne, and since we are still in the plan.

Can be so because after a few laps to say something about the engine?
Yes. We are convinced that the engine is healthy in itself. There are several reasons, we have to work. Basically we just go through again what we saw of one year with Mercedes, debuted as the new drive units. For this test in Jerez was the focus of whether our tight-fitting rear works, and it does. If we had a problem with that, we would really be in trouble.

What can be said in terms of energy recovery?
We are therefore satisfied. We just need to learn - even the as last year - like all the processes in energy collection and are -abrufen. But ERS makes it a no-brainer.

Have problems with the engine program interferes with the Aero?
Yes. We sat down and discussed what we really want to still have on the track last night. It would have been nice to have more time on the track, but the most important thing we should be able to do.
Your team boss Eric Boullier said he was convinced - McLaren could initially build in 2015 in terms of competitiveness where they had left off the end of 2014 with Mercedes.
I think so. We are located here in Jerez far from our facility. However, we can quite accurately calculate where we would hinrücken on the timesheet when would we cut our potential. So we sleep peacefully. We simply need to create these little things from the world.

How big is the difference between working with the engineers of Mercedes and the Japanese Honda?
Completely different because they simply come from two different cultures. Then there is the difference that in the last year was clear - our contract with Mercedes runs out. So we were cut off from some information, and I want to say about our long-standing partner Mercedes anything bad. This is a normal process when a collaboration to an end. The cooperation with Honda is much narrower.

Is there a language barrier?
No. All senior technicians speak good English, all the engineers here at the racetrack. Even during our visits in Japan, the language was not a problem.

How much depends purely Fernando Alonso in the work?
(Smiles.) He let us feel how much he longs to finally be able to go. He obviously feels comfortable in the team. And you can feel when working with him that this is a true champion at work. Exchange of experience in the factory, at work in the simulator and of course the daily business here at the track impact does this have on all those who work with him. All can not wait to ride him race.

Is it realistic to talk about 2015 wins?
Yes that's it.

Da quello che ho capito in mclaren sono molto fiduciosi sulla macchina. Secondo me pensano a qualche vittoria di gp sicuramente.
Certo bisognerà vedere come siamo messi in prestazioni rispetto agl altri...